How To Assess Clawgs V2 Sizes
Always assess sizes while dogs are standing on a solid surface (not carpet or grass).
Toes and claws retreat into Clawgs when dogs sit & lay.

Correct Sizes
Clawgs front edge should rest between front (middle) pads and front (middle) claws while heel straps are above paws' sides' bone prominence and dogs are standing.
Front toe pads should contact Clawgs' sole but front claw tips should not.

It is normal for one or both side claws to contact the sole rather than the ground.
There's lots of variation in dogs' side toes'/claws' locations with respect to their front toes'/claws' location.

Out of an abundance of caution, Clawgs' sole is extended under side toes/claws (in front of the tread).
We'd rather side claws contact the sole than side or front toe pads contact the ground.

Too Small - Heel Straps Below Dogs' Paws' Sides' Bone Prominence
Clawgs that are too small may have heel straps below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence while their front toes are snug against Clawgs' front straps.
Using Clawgs that are too small increases the risk of Clawgs falling off or Clawgs heel straps hugging paws too low - in an area where dogs' paws' bones want to spread while they're standing.

If Clawgs' heel straps slide down below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence, remove Clawgs and pull one or two additional heel strap edge stitches through both buckle sides.

If Clawgs' heel straps slide down below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence, ensure the excess heel straps point forward (toward toes) under buckles' finger tabs.

If Clawgs' heel straps slide down below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence, ensure all heel strap slack between the two buckle loops was pulled through the second buckle loop.
If there's slack between the two buckle loops, it'll get pulled through the first buckle loop, which loosens the Clawgs.

Too Small - Front Toes Slide Through Clawgs' Front Claws' Opening.
In Clawgs that are too small, dogs' front (middle) toe pads may protrude through Clawgs' front claws' opening and/or touch the ground rather than the sole.
Using Clawgs that are too small increases the risk of dogs' toe pads touching the ground rather than the sole as well as squeezing paws.

Too Large
In Clawgs that are too large, dogs' front (middle) claws do not touch the ground while dogs are standing and Clawgs' heel straps are above dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence.
Using Clawgs that are too large increases the risk of Clawgs spinning off-center and toes/claws popping out of the incorrect claw openings, which may cause Clawgs' front straps to slide between toes rather than wrapping around the outside of toes.

As a reminder, it is normal for one or both side claws to contact the sole rather than the ground.
There's lots of variation in dogs' side toes'/claws' locations with respect to their front toes'/claws' location.

Troubleshooting Clawgs V2
The most common reason why dogs are uncomfortable in properly sized Clawgs is the side straps are too tight.
Toes spread when dogs stand, so it's best to adjust side straps while dogs are standing. Toes and claws recede into Clawgs when they lay down, so Clawgs should be a bit loose on laying dogs or limp paws.
Clawgs' side strap stretchiness is meant to let toes spread, not squeeze them together. Dogs hate their toes being squeezed from the sides.
Clawgs V2 Alterations
After you're confident you have the correct sizes and strap adjustments, you can trim excess sole under side claws to fully expose all four claws.
You can also make Clawgs V2 prettier without excess straps flopping out front.
Need Help? Want our sizing or strap adjustment opinion?
With twelve sizes and eight adjustment points per Clawgs, there's lots of possible variations that have a huge impact on Clawgs' performance.
Please Contact Us with photos of your dog standing in Clawgs on a solid surface. Please identify the sizes that are on each paw.
Need Different Sizes?