How To Put Size 7-12 Clawgs V2 On Paws For The First Time:

Start with Clawgs' toe straps fully loosened, but leave enough excess strap sticking out of the buckle to grab during later steps.

Remove Clawgs' heel straps from the buckles' second heel strap loop, but leave the excess heel straps in the buckles' notch between loops.

Step 1

Slide dogs' front claws through Clawgs' front claws' opening.

Wrap heel straps around paws above dogs' paws' sides' bones prominence (which you can feel on paw sides) but below dew claws and fasten the buckle.

Pull both heel straps firmly around paws while making sure the heel straps are in the buckles' notches.

It's easiest to put Clawgs V2 sizes 7-12 on laying dogs. Toes spread when paws bend and dogs stand, so you get more space to easily place heel straps above paws' sides' bone prominence while dogs are laying.

If you're unable to wrap heel straps above dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence while dogs' front two claws are in Clawgs' front claws' opening, the Clawgs' are too small.

If you're wrapping heel straps above dogs' dew claws while their front claws are in Clawgs' front claws' opening, the Clawgs are too big.

With Clawgs' heel straps firmly tightened around paws and secured in the buckle's notches, unfasten the buckles and remove Clawgs from paws without loosening the heel straps.

Step 2

To ensure heel straps stay above paws' sides' bone prominence, pull one or two additional heel strap edge stitches through the buckle's notch on both sides.

Insert excess heel straps through the buckle's second loop.

IMPORTANT: Pull excess heel strap under the buckle's finger tabs. This eliminates heel strap slack between buckle loops, which prevents Clawgs' heel straps from loosening.

Heel straps must zig zag through the buckles' loops with excess heel straps pointing forward (towards toes) underneath buckles' finger tabs.

Step 3

Put Clawgs back on and have dog stand. Note dogs' front (middle) knuckle location with respect to Clawgs' slider location.

Adjust the slider to be on (or slightly below) front knuckles and above front claws.

It may be easiest to note the slider adjustments you'd like to make, then remove Clawgs, make slider adjustments, and put them back on paws.

Step 4

With dogs' heels set into Clawgs' heels while standing on a solid surface, pull each excess front strap until the slider moves back against front (middle) knuckles.

Front straps are the two middle straps that exit buckles' fronts.

Step 5

Center Clawgs on paws while focusing on side toes' positions with respect to Clawgs' sole. Clawgs' sides should be positioned to cover the front sides of side toes while dogs.

Pull each side strap until they gently hug the front sides of both side toes while dogs are standing.

Toes spread when dogs stand, so side straps should be a bit loose on laying dogs and lifted paws.


Clawgs' side strap elasticity is meant to let side toes spread, not squeeze toes from the side.

Dogs don't like their paws squeezed from the sides.

Go for a walk!

It's normal for dogs to try to remove Clawgs when they have nothing else to do. By leashing dogs and taking them for a walk as soon as you put Clawgs on, dogs are distracted and actively using their Clawgs, so they are less likely to try to remove them.

We recommend starting with leashed walks, frequent inspections, and making adjustments as needed.

Dogs are comfortable in Clawgs and capable of running almost instantly, but please take things slow until you're confident the correct size Clawgs are properly adjusted on every paw.

How To Put On Size 7-12 Clawgs V2 After First Time

Size 7-12 Clawgs V2's slider makes Clawgs front straps loosen while you open Clawgs wide to put them on paws.

Therefore, it's important to tighten Clawgs V2's front straps every time you put them on. Watch the slider move back against knuckles while dogs are standing.

How To Assess Clawgs V2 Sizes

When Clawgs' heel straps fall below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence, you get a false front edge, which appears correct, but is too small.

Feel where dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence is in relation to Clawgs' heel straps.

Troubleshooting Clawgs V2

If Clawgs' heel straps slide below dogs' paws' sides' bone prominence, pull one or two additional heel strap edge stitches through the buckle.

Make sure the heel straps zig zag through the buckles' loops
the heel strap slack between the two buckle loops is pulled through the second buckle loop.

Clawgs V2 Alterations

Make Clawgs V2 prettier, and most importantly, perform better for your best friend ♡

Need Help? Want our sizing or strap adjustment opinion?

With twelve sizes and eight adjustment points per Clawgs, there's lots of possible variations that have a huge impact on Clawgs' performance.

Please Contact Us with photos of your dog standing in Clawgs on a solid surface. Please identify the sizes that are on each paw.